Krimries’ Advent Release Calendar kicks off with daily song drops and scheduled releases through the month of December. Follow @Krimries on socials for daily announcements.
“Small Town Sunset” Now Available
“Small Town Sunset” is now available on Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming services.
Now out! “Guided by a Star”
“Guided by a Star” is now available
“The Angels Sing” now available
“The Angels Sing” is now available on Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming services.
“Shattered Fields” Out Now
“Shattered Fields” is now live on Amazing Radio and will be available November 1st in all major stores and streaming services. This song reflects on the devastating impact of war, honoring those who were lost in past battles, while expressing a deep fear of future conflicts.
“Chain Free” in stores October 25th.
Krimries’ 9th album “Chain Free” releases Oct 25th everywhere.
“Cornerstone of Grace” In Stores
Krimries’ eighth album, “Cornerstone of Grace”, is now in stores and streaming services.
“Heavens Open Wide” Now Live
Krimries’ 7th album, “Heaven’s Open Wide”, is now available in stores & on streaming services.
“Higher Ground” In Stores
Krimries’ latest album, “Higher Ground,” is now now available in digital stores and on streaming services.
“Whisper of Heaven” in store
Krimries’ latest album “Whispers of Heaven”, is now in stores and on streaming services.